There are so many lessons in the cycle of the tree for the Christian walk. There are over 250 references to trees in the Scriptures that can teach us about trust in God. They served many purposes in Biblical times, even today they have many purposes.
In Jeremiah, the writer uses the tree as an example of trust in the Lord. Even trees on the bank of a mighty river grow strong. Their roots grow down deep to give it balance against the current, they help soak up the nutrients from the ground surrounding it, and act as a watering source for the entire tree. So must we in our walk with God begin to allow our roots to grow deep, to soak up everything we can from it, and allow Him to sustain us.
Our trust in God will grow as we place our hope and confidence in Him. Our faith grows as we gain more confidence, allowing us to place more trust in God for bigger and bolder things. As we place more trust, our roots go deeper and our foundation grows wider. Our base grows stronger and taller. Then when the storms of life, the dry seasons, or the times when the weights of the world are making every attempt to weigh us down.
When we place our trust in God, there will come a time that regardless of what comes our way we can stay the course. It is not a matter of if the storms, the dry times, and the weights will come, it is about how we weather them. When we fill our life with intimacy with God through prayer, Bible Study, praise and worship the nutrients of relationship with the Father will go into every area of our lives. When our trust is grounded in Christ, people will look on as the storms rage and see that our leaves are staying green.
As we continue to water our spirit with fellowship with God, our trust will continue to grow. Not only will we receive what we need to sustain our own life and grow, we will begin to produce fruit that will impact the lives of those who come in contact with us. Our circle of influence will look to our lives and see the fruit still being produced by the Spirit active in our life, and they will be fed also.
We have the choice to place our hope and confidence in Christ. As He is faithful to show Himself true, our trust will begin to grow. The roots of our life will search out the rich nutrients from His Word and regardless of what comes our way, we will come out standing tall. As we continue in fellowship with Him, our spirit will begin to produce the fruit of His Spirit. Our fruit will begin to be a life source to those we come in contact with as we continue to trust in God.
This blog is part of a #Write31Days series on trust. 31 Days is an online writing challenge, where bloggers pick one topic and write a post on that topic every day